The relaxation effects of listening to different types of music on musicians and non-musicians

Emotions experienced whilst listening to rock music

The impact of the instrumentalist on the early adolescent with reference to music in school

Can music bring people together ? Effects of musical identity on intergroup bias in adolescence

Conceptual Aesthetic Theory : A study in aesthetic evaluative phenomena

The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on adolescent musicians’ performance anxiety

The effects of self-awareness on musical performance quality

Meditation : a means of reducing anxiety and improving musical performance

Adolescent participation in extra-curricular music programmes : An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour

The effect of uniqueness and the number of scale tones on the detection performance of the Theory of Planned Behaviour

Teacher and pupil beliefs about different types of piano practice : their effects on commitment and attainment in piano performance

Effects of contextual information and familiarity on individual musical tastes: stability over time

The effects of familiarity gained through listening and performing on emotional experiences to music

The relationship between social adjustment and the ability to identify facial and musical affect in childhood

An investigation of implicit theory, goal orientation and strategy use in elite violinists during a short-term learning task

Composing in the classroom

The effect of type of musical expertise on melody recognition and interactive perspectives of musical information processing

The role of musical structure in emotion : investigating neural, physiological and subjective emotional responses to harmonic expectancy violations

Perseverance with music lessons at 11: a study of intrinsic motivation

Impostors as a source of group threat: proving your predilections

Short-term memory for pitch and rhythm sequences in relation to a working memory model

Listeners' emotional experience while listening to atonal music

The relationship between alcohol use and individual differences in orchestral musicians. A comparative study between string, woodwind, brass and percussion players.

The positive impact of music as a leisure activity on health and well-being

Children and musical activities

How is the synchronisation of tapping to a visual isochronous pulse affected by an interfering auditory pulse?

An investigation into the relationship between the intensity of emotional responses to music listening and everyday life events

The relationship between perceived goal structures and interest for learning a musical instrument

The influence of adolescents’ friendship groups on perceptions of GCSE music

Students and adolescents interest in studying GCSE music

An investigation of adolescent liking for and response to classical music over repeated exposure within a Secondary School social setting

Factors influencing song-learning effectiveness in young children

How do children perceive similarity relationships in music?

The relaxing effect of classical and New Age music on Musicians and Non-musicians

An exploratory psychological investigation into the "meaning" of popular music style

Who likes techno and why do they like it?

Achievement goals and adolescent engagement in computer-based composition

An electrophysiological study of "subjective" accents in equitone isochronous sequences