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Phd Thesis - Contoh Judul Tesis Bidang Kesehatan
PhD Thesis List - International Health
Encounters with power : health care seeking and medical encounters in tuberculosis care : experiences from Ujjain District, Indi
Emergency contraception among young people in Uganda : User and provider perspectives
Management of reproductive tract infections among health providers and in the community in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
Needs assessments for international humanitarian health assistance in disasters
Diarrhoeal Diseases in Low- and Middle-income Countries
Mortality in rural Vietnam - validity of routine reporting and experiences from a surveillance system
The interface between biomedical and traditional health practitioners in STI and HIV/AIDS care
Paediatric burn injuries in Cape Town, South Africa - Context, circumstances and prevention barriers
Pregnant Adolescents in Vietnam - social context and health care needs
Control of HIV and sexually transmitted infections - studies in Tanzania and Zambia
Verbal Abuse in School - Social context and health care needs
Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood in Swaziland
Between Opportunities and Risks - Adolescent seual and reproductive health in Zambia
Assessing health problems - Self-reported illness, mental distress and alcohol problems in a rural district in Vietnam
Domestic Violence during pregnancy in Uganda - The social context, biomedical conseqquences and relationship with induced abort
Managing Childhood Malaria in Rural Tanzania - Focusing on Drug Use and Resistance
Access to tuberculosis care in rural China - Comparing the impact of alternative control projects
Health care pricing and payment reforms in China -The implications for health service delivery and cost containment
Exploring malaria and pneumonia care in Uganda - Case management of childhood fevers in the community
Changing reproductive patterns in rural China -The influence of policy and gender
Exploring health-seeking behaviour of disadvantaged populations in rural Bangladesh
Severe maternal morbidity in Angola - Studies on postpartum haemorrhage, jaundice and clinic-based audit
Enhancing survival of mothers and their newborns in Tanzania
Female and male infertility in Nigeria
Genital mutilation of girls in Sudan - Community- and hospital-based studies on female genital cutting and its sequelae
Working children´s experiences and their right to health and well-being
Towards cost-effective tuberculosis control in the Western Cape of South Africa - Intervention study involving lay health worker
Female genital mutilation - Studies on primary and repeat female genital cutting
Maternity care in Zambia
Challenges and constraints encountered by women and midwives during childbirth in low-income countries
Socioeconomic differences in a rural district in Vietnam
Genital and urinary tract infections in pregnancy in southern India
Maternal morbidity in Uganda
Challenges and opportunities for tuberculosis prevention and care in an HIV epidemic area, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Equity and equality
Exploring malaria case mangement of underfive children at households and public primary health care facilities in Kibaha distric
Interventions for improved prescribing and dispensing of medicines in Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam
Endemic ataxic polyneuropathy in Nigeria
Maternal outcome of pregnancy in Mozambique with special reference to abortion-related morbidity and mortality
Maternal deaths in Mozambique: An audit approach with special reference to adolescence, abortion and violence
Health care financing in China : equity in transition
Towards good pharmacy practice in Hanoi: A multi-intervention study in private sector
Young men's sexuality and sexually transmitted infections in Zambia
The quality of private pharmacy services in a province of Lao PDR: Perceptions, practices and regulatory enforcements
Monitoring pregnancy for improved perinatal outcome in Mozambique
Diabetes mellitus, socioeconomy and self-rated health: Population-based studies in cohorts registered in the diabetes incidence
The emerging elderly population in Bangladesh: Aspects of their health and social situation
Utilisation of health services in a transitional society: Studies in Vietnam 1991-1999
A reason to be bitter: Cassava classification from the farmers' perspective
Health financing systems & drug use in rural China
Gender specific epidemiology of tuberculosis in Vietnam
Visualising the invisible: exploring interactive video in HIV prevention in rural Zambia
Sexually transmitted infections in Uganda: implications for control
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Disertasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
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Economy - Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Akuntansi Keuangan
Economy - Kumpulan Judul Skripsi manajemen Operasional
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Thesis List - Daftar Contoh Judul Tesis
Thesis Phd - International Health
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